Marina di Ventimiglia, with the start of the “La Rocca” construction site, work began on the Waterfront
The laying of the first stone in the La Rocca shipyard is an emblematic moment because it marks the concrete beginning of the “Marina di Ventimiglia” urban regeneration of which we are promoters. With these words Giuseppe Noto, CEO of MDC, greeted the start of the construction site that after more than 60 years will demolish the ruin located between the new Cala del Forte port and the austere Fort dell’Annunziata, to make room for the new La Rocca restaurant, destined to be the flagship of Borgo del Forte and of the entire Marina Ventimiglia urban regeneration project.

The Monegasque newspaper covers the ambitious transformation project of the city of Ventimiglia, being led by Marina Development Corporation, thanks to the vision of its investor Rob Thielen.

Non solo posti barca, ma servizi di alta gamma per favorire il turismo dall’estero: questa la tendenza che Il Sole 24 Ore rileva analizzando alcuni tra i maggiori interventi di rigenerazione di alcune zone portuali in Italia.